Introduction: How to Remote Headless Raspberry Pi
Are you confused about how to set up the Raspberry Pi remotely without having a monitor or keyboard? Don't worry! Of course, we can do it.
In this tutorial, I will remotely via SSH my raspberry pi zero with fresh raspbian OS inside.
1. Raspberry Pi Zero
2. Adapter + USB Cable
3. 16 GB MicroSD
4. Putty
Download here: Putty's Download Page
5. Advanced IP Scanner
Download here: Advanced IP Scanner's Page
Step 1: Install Raspbian OS
I assume you can install Raspbian OS to SD Card and here I use Raspbian Buster (2019-09-26-raspbian-buster.img)
Step 2: Adding SSH File and Wi-Fi Configuration
1. After installing Raspbian OS has finished, please open the drive named "boot" as shown
2. Add 2 Files (you can download the files below):
- ssh
- wpa_supplicant.conf
3. Edit wpa_supplicant.conf with a text editor like notepad, change the ssid and psk (psk it's mean your Wi-Fi password)
4. Save it!
Step 3: Find the IP Address of Raspberry Pi
1. Plug in the sd card into Raspberry Pi
2. Turn on raspberry pi
3. Connect your laptop with the same WiFi connection as the Raspberry Pi
4. Open Advanced Ip Scanner
5. Click scan button
6. Copy or Note the IP Address of Raspberry Pi
Step 4: Login SSH
1. Open Putty
2. Enter the Ip address of the raspberry pi
3. Click Open
4. If the putty security alert pop-up appears, select yes
5. Enter login account :
login as : pi
password : raspberry
Congratulations! now you have successfully entered into Raspberry Pi.