Introduction: How to Restore a Scuffed Up Hoverboard

In this Instructable I will be showing you how to restore a Battery Powered ..scuffed up / scratched hoverboard. I chose this Instructable because I have a hoverboard of my own that has gone through lots of use. It has become very scratched up and I thought it would be convenient and helpful at the same time to make an Instructable to show people how to do this.

Step 1: Supplies You'll Need!

You will need:


Spray paint (color of your choice)

Medium sized Phillips screwdriver

A painters face mask

Sandpaper (medium coarse recommended)

Optional supplies:

Plastic drop cloth

Hobby knife

Painters tape

Step 2: Opening Up Your Hoverboard

When you flip your hoverboard over, you will see a number of screws. You will need to remove these screws. After you have completed this task, you will find more screws towards the edge of your exposed hoverboard. You will need to remove these also (these will remove the top shell of your hoverboard).

Step 3: Sanding the Undershell of Your Hoverboard

What you will need to do is take your sandpaper and sand the area of the under shell for about 30 seconds in a circular motion. The nicks and scratches should be flush with the surface when you are done.

Step 4: Painting the Undershell of Your Hoverboard

If you would like an easier clean-up, I recommend spreading out a plastic drop cloth / disposable tarp. Place the undershell of your hoverboard on the tarp. Take your spray paint and spray over the undershell approximately six inches away until you can barely see the original color underneath (MAKE CERTAIN TO BE WEARING YOUR PAINTERS MASK WHEN USING SPRAY PAINT!) Spray on from 3-4 coats, waiting a few minutes in between each coat. If you need to move the pieces to another location, wait 15-20 minutes until this part is dry to the touch. For the paint to fully cure, let sit for 24 hours..

Step 5: Sanding and Painting the Top Shell of Your Hoverboard

If you would like an easier clean-up, I recommend spreading out a plastic drop cloth / disposable tarp. Place the topshell of your hoverboard on the tarp. Take your spray paint and spray over the topshell approximately six inches away until you can barely see the original color underneath (MAKE CERTAIN TO BE WEARING YOUR PAINTERS MASK WHEN USING SPRAY PAINT!) Spray on from 3-4 coats, waiting a few minutes in between each coat. If you need to move the pieces to another location, wait 15-20 minutes until this part is dry to the touch. For the paint to fully cure, let sit for 24 hours..

Step 6: Be Patient!

Repeat this process with the matching undershell and topshell pieces. Allow to dry for 24 hours.

Step 7: Reconnecting the Top Shell

In these pictures you will see the points where you will need to put the screws back.

Step 8: Putting Your Hoverboard Back Together

Start by placing the undershell back into its spot. Reconnect the wiring from where you had disconnected it from. Replace screws that were removed.

Step 9: Fitting the Rest of the Undershell

Repeat the process from the other half of the undershell.

Step 10: Enjoy Your New Hoverboard!

Now that your entire hoverboard has been put back together, enjoy!