Introduction: How to Send and Receive WhatsApp Messages From ESP8266 - Arduino IDE
I'll explain how can you send yourself WhatsApp messages in a very easy way from your IoT devices. In this case from ESP8266 - Wemos D1 Mini - Using the Arduino IDE
. Wemos D1 mini
. opened
. Arduino IDE
. Wifi access
Step 1: Add ESP8266 Boards in Your IDE
Add this: in your additional boards manager URL list in your Arduino IDE.
1- Go to File
2- Click on Preferences
3- Add the URL in Aditional Boards Manager URLs field
Step 2: Download ESP8266 Boards
Then go to:
Tools/Board/Boards Manager
Search for esp8266 and click "Install"
Step 3: Select the Board You Have
In this case, we will select "LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & mini"
Step 4: Enter to and Follow It's Steps
You have to:
Go to
Add the number posted there in your contacts
Send the following whatsapp to this number: I allow whatabot to send me messages
Copy and save the apikeywhatabot sent you
Step 5: Install the Library From the GitHub Repository
Download the soruce from
Add the .ZIP library like this:
Step 6: Install the WiFi Manager Library
Go to: Tools/Manage Libraries
Search for the library named WiFiManager (by tzapu)
Install it
Step 7: Install ArduinoJson Library
Go to: Tools/Manage Libraries
Search for the library named ArduinoJson (by Benoit)
Install it
Step 8: Select the Example Called WhatabotWebsocketClient
Go to File/Examples/Whatabot API Client Library/WhatabotWebsocketClient
Step 9: Replace the Variables With Your Data
Variables needed:
1 - YOUR_PHONE = "5490000000000";
2 - YOUR_APIKEY = "38rhjd-123d-432d"
Step 10: Upload Your Code and Start Receiving and Sending Whatsapp Messages
Note that the first time you execute this, the library WiFiManager will generate a wifi network called "WhatabotAPI"
. You have to connect to it with your mobile or pc (Password: whatabotapi)
. With the web browser, enter to
. Press the button "Configure WiFi"
. Follow the steps to connect the arduino to your router
That's all folks!
Step 11: Your Board Is Not Recognized?
If you have a CH340G based board, follow the instructions posted here: