Introduction: How to Set Up a Coffee Battle Station

About: I work in the mental health field as therapist in a residential treatment program. I also have a duel career in health and wellness doing massage and personal exercise training. My hobbies which spill over in…
Coffee. In the United States we drink more than 587 million cups of coffee a day.
Unfortunately most of us are running around over worked, stressed, and just plain too busy to even stop to taste our coffee. We miss how wonderful this experience can be.
This instructable will show you how to set up a Coffee Battle Station to make your own coffee so you can experience your coffee, slow down and destress, and generally improve your life.

*Read more about how coffee can lead to improved happiness on my blog and check out my Happiness through coffee instructable. Links are at the bottom.

Step 1: Obtain a Station

I was able to find this great vintage bar.

Other furniture will work like:
Book shelf
TV cabinet
or even your kitchen counter

Step 2: Purchase Quality Coffee

Get yourself some quality coffee. It should be whole bean and you should grind it fresh each morning.

Which brings us to step 3...

Step 3: Get a Quality Grinder

Place your grinder next to your designated coffee spot.

I have the Hario Mini and it is perfect.

Step 4: Flavor Shots

If you like all these sweet and flavored coffees, you can do this too yourself at home. Get yourself some bottles of your favorite flavored syrups and speed pourers.
You can get them online or at any bar store.

*Great for Italian sodas too.

Step 5: Place Your Tools

Place your tools so they are both on display and addressable to make fabulous coffee.

These pieces are all very affordable.

The ones pictured are(from R to L):
Vietnamese coffee maker
French press
Moka pot
pour over dripper #2

Step 6: Pour Stand

You can place your pour over stand up too or store it down below when your are not using it.
Though I would suggest having it be out as this is a great way to make coffee that forces you to slow down.

Step 7: Cold Brew

Cold Brew is all the rage right now. And you can pay up wards of $4 a cup for plain black coffee.

Get a Toddy cold brew kit. It's cheap, and in 24 hours you can have a full pitcher of cold brew coffee that is superior to anything you can get a Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts.

Step 8: Heat Source

You will of course need to book water to make coffee. A tea pot and a hot plate are all you need.
This is also where you can hook up your drip machine if your desire that option too (I have one and use it all the time).

*Some will swear by a goose neck pot but since you are new let's not worry about that.

Step 9: Don't Forget the Cups

Hooks can be added under for hanging coffee cups.

Also many mismatched cups with fun things on them in all different sizes and shapes is a must.

Step 10: Enjoy

Slow down and smell the coffee.