Introduction: How to Sew an Insulating Soda Can or Juice Box Wrap

A way to keep your soda cans cool is a must- have for hot summer days on a picnic, at the beach, anywhere! Learn how to sew an Insulating Soda Can or Juice Box wrap with this instructable. This is my first instructable, so I hope you like it.

Step 1: Materials

In order to begin this project, you'll need:

Fabric Scraps - 20" by 4 1/2"

Batting or Fleece- 10" by 4 1/2"

4" and 1" wide Velcro or Hook and Loop Tape


( This was hand sewn because my sewing machine broke, but you may use a sewing machine if it's easier for you)

Step 2: Prepare to Sew

Fold the fabric, right sides together so that it's 10" by 4 1/2". Then, place the batting under the fabric

Step 3: Start Sewing

Using 1/4" seams, stitch the long edges and 1" in from each corner on the 4 1/2" edge. Leave the center of the end open to turn through.

Step 4: Clip Corners and Turn Right Sides Out.

Clip the corners of the wrap to remove bulk. After you've clipped the corners, turn the right sides out.

Step 5: Turn in the Unsewn Seam Allowance

Turn in the un-sewn seam allowance 1/4" on each side. Press the seam allowance closed.

Step 6: Sew the Velcro/Hook and Loop Tape

Place one part of the Velcro® along the 4" edge and stitch the long edges in to place, closing the seam at the same time. Turn the fabric over, and place the other part of the hook and loop tape on the other end, on the opposite side of the fabric.

Finally, you're done! Enjoy your new insulating wrap!