Introduction: How to Sleep Well: 10 Scientifically Proven Tips

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We know we need to sleep, but a lot of us just can’t or we don’t sleep well when we do sleep. We try, but many of us fail miserably. So what’s the solution? It’s hard to narrow sleeping problems down to just one cause because each of us have different contributing factors to our sleep problems, and all we want gosh dang it is a good night’s sleep!

There’s a handful of tips available and we’ve narrowed it down to the top 10 below.

10 Scientifically Proven Tips to Help You Sleep Well

Step 1: Set a Bedtime Alarm.

To help you get on a better sleep schedule, set an alarm to remind you that it’s bedtime. And follow it! Many people wish they could hit the sack earlier, and this is one way to help you with that.

Step 2: Stop Snoozing!

When we try and sleep between the sounds of our alarms, we aren’t getting quality sleep at all. It interrupts our REM sleep and most likely contributes to our feelings of grogginess. Try setting two alarms, and set the second one further away from the first one. A couple of cycles of this could help you get over this in no time.

Step 3: Try Not to Drink Before Bed.

While drinking before bed can help you pass out faster, once the buzz wears off, you’ll most likely wake up, causing your sleep to be interrupted.

Step 4: Try Wearing Socks.

If you’re a person who is cold more often than not, then trying to sleep while shivering will not help. How warm your hands and feet are will tell how fast you’re able to fall asleep. Slip on some socks to help warm you up, if needed.

Step 5: The Darker Your Room, the Better.

Any light, even the smallest glow, will send a signal to your brain that you need to be awake. Try black out blinds and keeping devices away from your bed where you cannot see or feel the glow.

Step 6: Keep Your Room at Comfortable Temperature.

Whether your room is too hot or too cold, you will have difficulties sleeping. Try and aim for a temperature between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 7: Put Your Devices to Bed Early.

Turn off your TV and devices about 60 minutes before your intended bedtime. Bright light alerts our brains and tells us we should be awake and doing stuff.

Step 8: Quit the Caffeine by Early Afternoon.

Studies have shown that caffeine remains active in your system much longer than you think.

Step 9: Exercise Regularly.

Daily exercise has been proven to help you sleep better. The great news is, you don’t need lots of strenuous exercise either. Even 20 minutes day of walking could have you sleeping well again.

Step 10: Stay Away From Heavy Meals Too Close to Bedtime.

Our bodies aren’t used to digesting food while we sleep and heavier meals could cause us to stay up late at night. If you’re feeling hungry, opt for something lighter.

There are many different ways to help us sleep better. Give some of these tips a try!