Introduction: How to Solder Smd Like a Pro

About: I make diy and electronics based projects.

Soldering smd is done by machines but little patience and practice anyone can do it by in this instructables I will show you how to solder smd.

Step 1: Tools Needed

1) A temperature controlled soldering iron

2) I like to use 0.015″ 60/40 lead solder

3) solder wick or pumb

4) Tweezers

5) flux

6) Rubbing alcohol

7) Damp sponge

Using temperature controlled soldering iron is best but normal soldering iron work fine.iam using single flat tip for the iron I recommend conical tip.Using lead solder make job easier than lead free solder and lead free solder need more heat than lead can you solder wick or pump.Iam using a needle tip tweezer.using flex when necessary.

Step 2: Tin the Tip

First you need to tin the tip.If you don't tin the tip it will oxidised.For tining you need a damp sponge.wipe your iron in damp sponge and melt a little solder on the tip of the iron.This is called tinning and it will help the heat flow from the iron's tip to the joint.The solder should flow onto the tip, producing a bright shiny surface.If the solder will not flow onto the tip, clean it by wiping it on the wet sponge.When tinned, wipe excess solder off on the wet sponge.You do not need to tin the tip before every joint, but you should re-tin it if it has gone dull when the soldering iron has not been used for a few minutes.Check the manufacturer's instructions related to tinning the tip.The tip of the soldering iron should be a shiny silver color. If it is black and pitted, replace it with a new one.

Step 3: Clean the Surface

For good soldering we need to clean the surface for soldering.Iam using rubbing alcohol to clean it.Dip cotton swab in a rubbing alcohol to clean.

Step 4: Soldering Smd Resistor

Things like resistors and capacitors often come as little rectangles, where two opposite ends are the contacts. To hand solder these, add a little solder to one pad on the board. Use a tweezers to hold the component on the board, with one end on top of the solder. Touch the iron to the pin on the pad with the solder. The component should be firmly against the board, and both ends should be lined up with the pads. Add a little solder to the other end, creating a “fillet” between the pad and the component. Ideally, there isn’t a huge glob of solder at the end. If there is, use solder wick to remove the extra solder. When your work is finished clean with rubbing alcohol.

Step 5: Soldering Ics

Soldering ic is little harder than resistor but we can do it.first clean the surface then add some flex. Take your ic use your Tweezer to position the ic then solder a ton of lead on the pins this called you can use you wick or pump to remove excess solder. Make sure there is no bridge appear. Clean the ic.

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