Introduction: How to Solve a Rubik's Cube!

When thinking of a Rubik's cube a lot of people believe it is crazy or impossible. In reality a Rubik's cube consists of only several steps with a few algorithms in each step. This is going to be a guide to help solve the impossible Rubik's cube in hopefully the easiest way possible. This guide will help you solve your Rubik's cube for the first time and can be used to help in future solves as well. The guide will consist of several different beginner steps and algorithms to help you understand how the Rubik's cube works. Please note that you may get frustrated and think that you're taking a long time but be patient and you will be able to solve! It may take over an hour so be prepared to spend some time to learn this awesome skill!

* If there is an asterisk in front of something or if it is in bold it is important!


A single Rubik's Cube!

Step 1: Learning the Pieces

The Rubik’s cube consists of 3 different pieces, there’s the center pieces, edge pieces, and corner pieces. The center piece is the piece in the center that distinguishes the color of that side. The center piece is only one color and never moves because it is attached to the core on the inside. The edge pieces are the pieces that connect the center pieces. The edge pieces only have 2 colors and can always be moved. The last piece is the corner piece. The corner piece has 3 colors that connect the edge pieces. The corners can always be moved. There are 6 center pieces, 12 edge pieces, and 8 corner pieces. The cube has 3 layers which consist of the first layer, middle layer, and top layer. Please use the picture above to visualize the pieces and layers.

Step 2: Learning the Notations

All algorithms in a Rubik's cube are made up with certain notations. There are 6 notations and 6 inverses of the notations. All of the regular notations with the side that is specified is turned clockwise, while the inverses are turned counter-clockwise. The inverses will be marked with a lowercase i or an apostrophe ( ' ). If the notation has a "2" next to it then you want to do that notation twice. Example "U2" will be doing the U notation two times. You read these algorithms just like you normally read left to right, top to bottom.

* When doing an algorithm you DO NOT rotate the cube. You will look at the same face throughout the whole algorithm you are doing. Make sure to look at and do the algorithm very carefully!

R = Right, Ri = Right inverse

L = Left, Li = Left inverse

B = Back, Bi = Back inverse

D = Down, Di = Down inverse

F = Front, Fi = Front inverse

U = Up, Ui = Up inverse

Use the image above to visualize how the cubes notations work.

Step 3: Solving the White Cross

* Please read instructions and look at pictures when prompted to. If you only look at pictures it will be challenging!

The first step to a Rubik's cube is solving the "White cross". This step is the hardest because it is intuitive and requires patience. We are going to be using the "daisy method". The white edge pieces can be anywhere on the cube.

Step 1: The first step in the white cross is to get all of the white edge pieces to match up with the yellow center. The end result of this step is in (Picture 1). It doesn't matter if the white pieces match up with the other centers as long as the 4 white edges are facing straight up. Again this step is intuitive so please be patient when trying complete it.

Step 2: Once it is in this position you want to hold the yellow face up and the blue center to face you (Picture 2).

Step 3: At this point you want to rotate the top layer or "U" notation until the blue/white edge piece lines up with the blue center (Picture 3). If it is already lined up with blue center do the next step.

Step 4: Once lined up you want to do "F2" which will move the blue/white edge piece to the bottom.

Step 5: Next you want to rotate the cube where the yellow face is up and the red center is facing you.

Step 6: You want to rotate the top layer or "U" notation until the red/white edge piece is lined up with the red center. If it is already lined up go to the next step.

Step 7: Once lined up you want to do "F2" which will move the red/white edge piece to the bottom.

Step 8: Rotate the cube where the yellow center is on top and the green center is facing you.

Step 9: You want to rotate the top layer or "U" notation until the green/white edge piece is lined up with the green center. If it is already lined up go to the next step.

Step 10: Once lined up you want to do "F2" which will move the green/white edge piece to the bottom.

Step 11: Rotate the cube where the yellow center is on top and the orange center is facing you.

Step 12: You want to rotate the top layer or "U" notation until the orange/white edge piece is lined up with the orange center. If it is already lined up go to the next step.

Step 13: Once lined up you want to do "F2" which will move the orange/white edge piece to the bottom.


Your cube should have the white cross where all the white edge pieces line up with their corresponding colors. (Picture 4) You can now move to the next section!

Step 4: Solving the White Corners

* Please read instructions and look at pictures when prompted to. If you only look at pictures it will be challenging!

Step 1: You want to hold your cube with the white center on the bottom the entire time.

Step 2: Look for any white corner pieces in the top layer. If there are white corner pieces in the top layer then move to step 3. If there are no white corner pieces in the top layer and they are all in the bottom layer you want to hold the cube with the yellow center facing up. Then do the following algorithm. R, U, Ri, Ui. Once completing the algorithm one white corner should have been moved up to the top layer. Proceed to step 3.

Step 3: Once you find a white corner piece in the top layer you want to look and see what the other 2 colors on that SAME white corner piece are. (For example if you have a white corner you find, the other colors on that piece might be green and orange). Then you want to move that corner piece around the top layer using "U" or "Ui" to match the corner in between its centers. The corner can be rotated any way. (Example: If you find the white corner piece that has the colors white, green, and orange on it then you want to move it around the top to match it in between the green and orange centers). Again the corner can be rotated any way but as long as you put it in between its correct centers you should be fine. Use the Picture 1 to help understand.

Step 4: Once the piece is in the right place you are going to hold the cube where the yellow center is on top and the corner you just put in the right spot is in the top right position. Use Picture 2 as an example. The corner could be rotated any way but as long as it is between the centers that it matches its good.

Step 5: With the yellow center on top and the corner piece in the top right position you want to do the following algorithm. R, U, Ri, Ui. Upon completing the algorithm the corner should be in the bottom right position. If it is there but not rotated the correct way (where white is match up with the white center on the bottom) then you want to do the algorithm again and again until it is rotated correctly. You want to make sure you hold the cube the same way you did when you did the algorithm the first time. Proceed to step 6 when the corner is rotated correctly in the right position (Picture 3).

Step 6: You want to find another white corner piece in the top layer and do steps 3-5. If there are no white corner pieces in the top layer then do steps 2-5.

Step 7: After completing the previous steps you should have the white corners in their correct places in the correct rotation as seen in Picture 4. You can now move to the next section!

Step 5: Solving the Middle Layer

* Please read instructions and look at pictures when prompted to. If you only look at pictures it will be challenging!

When solving the middle layer you will be inserting a non-yellow edge piece into the middle layer between the correct centers. Make sure when doing this step you know that a non-yellow edge piece will have 2 other colors besides yellow e.g. blue/red or green/orange.

* Note: Make sure the white face is facing down for the entire step.

Step 1: First you need to locate a non-yellow edge piece in your top layer. For example a edge piece that is non-yellow could be orange/blue or red/green. If there are no non-yellow edge pieces in the top layer then go to step 2. Once you found a non-yellow edge, you want to rotate the top layer or "U" notate until the front matches with its center. This will create a vertical line of that color as shown in case 1 and 2 in picture 1. Example: If you found a blue/orange edge piece in the top layer then you want to rotate the top layer until the blue face is matched with the blue center. Once completed move to step 3.

Step 2: This step is only if you have no non-yellow edge pieces in your top layer! From here you will need to do case 1's algorithm which should pop a non-yellow edge piece to the top layer. You may have a special case where an edge piece is in the proper location but is backwards. Use picture 1 case 3 to see what this looks like. If you have it then all you have to do is rotate your cube where the backwards edge in the right middle position like in picture 1 case 3, and do case 2's algorithm and it should pop it into the top layer. Once you have a non-yellow edge piece then you can move to step 3.

Step 3: Once the edge piece is matched up with its center color you need to determine if the color on the top of that edge piece matches with the center on the left or the center on the right. To understand please use Picture 1 above. In the picture above the blue center is matched with the blue edge in case 1 and 2 but it has 2 different colors on the top. The first case it goes to the left and in the second case it goes to the right. The color on top will determine if it needs to go to the right or the left. Once you find out which direction the edge piece goes proceed to step 4.

Step 4: Now that you know which way your edge piece should go in the middle layer (right or left) please use the picture above and locate which case you have. If you have case 1 where the edge goes to the left then do the algorithm for case 1. If you have case 2 where the edge goes to the right them do the algorithm for case 2.

Step 5: Now your edge piece should be in the correct position in your middle layer! Now you will repeat the process from steps 1 - 4 until you have solved the middle layer.

Once the middle layer is solved you can move to the next section!

Step 6: Solving the Yellow Cross

* Please read instructions and look at pictures when prompted to. If you only look at pictures it will be challenging!

After completing the last step you should have the first and middle layer solved! If so then you're now solving the yellow cross on the top.

* When doing any algorithm for this step you must keep the white face on the bottom.

Step 1: Locate which case you have from the image above. Once located proceed to step 2.

Step 2: If you have case 1 you are good and can proceed to step 3. If you have case 2 then you must complete the algorithm next to it. Once completing the algorithm you should end up with case 3 or 4. If you have case 3 then you must complete the algorithm next to it. Once completed proceed to step 3. If you have case 4 then you must complete the algorithm next to it. Once completed proceed to step 3.

Step 3: You should have a yellow cross on your top face. Your next goal is to finish solving the yellow face.

Please proceed to the next section to finish solving the yellow face!

Step 7: Finishing the Yellow Face

* Please read instructions and look at pictures when prompted to. If you only look at pictures it will be challenging!

Now that you have the yellow cross it is time to finish the yellow face.

Step 1: Your yellow face could have multiple patterns along with the yellow cross. You only want to have a certain pattern though. That pattern is called the "fish". The pattern is in picture 1. If you already have this pattern then go to step 3. If not go to step 2.

* Note: There are two fish patterns one that has the yellow corner facing you when the fish is pointing to the bottom left, and the fish you don't want will not have the yellow corner facing you. The correct one will look exactly like the picture above where the fish is pointing to the bottom left and the yellow corner is facing you.

Step 2: It doesn't matter what your pattern looks like all you have to do is the algorithm in picture 1 over and over until you get the fish pattern. If you do the algorithm and the pattern isn't changing then just do 1 or 2 "U" notations to rotate the pattern around and repeat the algorithm until you get the fish.

Step 3: Once you have the correct fish pattern you want to hold the cube with the white face down. You want to make sure that the fish is pointing to the bottom left of the yellow face and the yellow corner is facing you. Once you are in this position you want to do the same algorithm only one more time and your yellow face should be solved!

Once the yellow face is solved please move to the next section!

Step 8: Solving the Yellow Corners

* Please read instructions and look at pictures when prompted to. If you only look at pictures it will be challenging!

Now that you have a completed yellow face you need to solve the yellow corners.

Step 1: You will have 2 cases. Case 1 you will have 2 yellow corners that are in their correct spot. This forms something called headlights which has 2 colors that are the same with one random color in the middle and is case 1 in Picture 1 above. If you have headlights then proceed to step 3. Case 2 you will have a solid bar. This means the one side of the top layer will have a bar that is all one color. If you have case 2 then proceed to step 3. If you do not have either case 1 or case 2 then proceed to step 2.

Step 2: This step is only if you don't have case 1 or 2 where no yellow corners are in their correct spot. If you do not have case 1 or 2 then you need to simply do the algorithm in the picture above one time and it will give you case 1 or 2. Once you have case 1 or 2 then you can move on to step 3.

Step 3: Once you have case 1 or 2 then you need to line up your headlights or your bar to its correct position. Example: If I have a orange bar then I need to rotate the top layer to match up the orange bar to the orange center. If you have the headlights then you need to rotate the top layer to match the corners with their correct center colors. Okay now that your headlights or bar are matched to their colors you are going to want to rotate the entire cube where the headlights or bar is in the back and of course the white face should still be on the bottom and yellow on top. Make sure you do not "U" notate because you want your headlights or bar to still be lined up so make sure you rotate the entire cube. Once your headlights or bar is in the back proceed to step 4.

Step 4: At this point you just need to do the algorithm that is in Picture 1 and your corners should be solved.

Once all of your yellow corners are in their correct locations please proceed to the last section!

Step 9: Solving the Yellow Edges

* Please read instructions and look at pictures when prompted to. If you only look at pictures it will be challenging!

Now you've made it to the last step! You now have to rotate the yellow edges into their correct positions to match their color.

Step 1: You can have 2 cases. Case 1 will be that you have 3 yellow edge pieces in the wrong spot and you will have 1 bar. If you have case 1 proceed to step 3. Case 2 will be that you have all 4 yellow edges in the wrong spot. If you have case 2 proceed to step 2.

Step 2: If you have case 2 and all 4 yellow edges are in the wrong spot and you have no bar then all you have to do is one of the algorithms above. It does not matter which one as long as the white face is down and the yellow face is up. This should give you case 1 and then you can proceed to step 3.

Step 3: You should have case 1 when moving on to this step. You now need to decide if your edge pieces need to move clockwise or counter-clockwise. In other words rotate the entire cube to where the bar is in the back. Now do a "U" notation and see it the yellow edge piece matches to the center of that face. If it does then you are going to rotate them clockwise. First you need to do "Ui" to move the yellow corners to their right locations again. Now holding the cube with the bar in the back and of course white face on bottom and yellow on top, do the clockwise algorithm in Picture 1. If the yellow edge does not match the center of that face then you will be rotating them counter-clockwise. First you need to do "Ui" to move the yellow corners to their right locations again. Now holding the cube with the bar in the back and of course white face on bottom and yellow on top, do the counter-clockwise algorithm in Picture 1.

After completing the correct algorithm your cube should be solved!!
