Introduction: How to Sweat Copper Pipe in 30 Seconds!

About: I'm just a cool guy making cool things and doing cool stuff.
How to Sweat Copper Pipe in 30 Seconds!

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Materials Needed:
  • Pipe & fittings (Duh)
  • Propane or MAPP gas torch
  • Solder (lead free is best, but evidentally leaded solder is easier to do)
  • Flux (Found at almost all hardware stores with the soldering/welding supplies)
  • Steel wool
  • Fitting brush for your size fittings (also with the soldering/welding supplies)

Don't forget saftey glasses!!!

Having a clean joint is the most important part of sweating pipe. Don't skimp out on the cleaning! Also be sure to heat the joint not the pipe, the solder will flow where there is heat and flux. One more thing, don't move the joint till the solder has solidified. You can tell when it has by the sheen. Cooled solder will be less shiny than molten.