Introduction: How to Tack Up a Horse. Video: Https://
Hi, I’m Maria Kangas. I help people have a comfortable ride by teaching people to tack up a horse correctly. Here’s how I’m going to do it: I’m going to give seven steps so that happy riding can pursue. Having trouble controlling or getting on a horse? We are going to have you not only riding but doing so comfortably, by teaching how to tack up a horse. Getting on a horse is easy. Put one foot in the stirrup and swi- whoops, the saddle slipped. The horse needs to slow down so pull on the reins and get them yanked out of your hands? The horse threw his head around because the bridle wasn’t put on right. Either that or the horse went crazy. Not having the saddle on properly can cause problems for both humans and horses.
- Lead rope
- Brush
- Saddle
- Saddle Pad
- Bridle
- Horse
Step 1: Retrieve the Horse
After chasing it around the pasture and tripping over weeds and your own feet apply a halter. Put the lead rope around the horse’s neck and slip the halter over its head. Pull the halter as tight as you can, but loose enough that you can put two fingers between the nose and the halter. Lead the stubborn horse to the barn and get ready to tack up!
Step 2: Tie Up the Horse
Second, tie up the horse. Some horses can be tacked up without being tied but for safety measures and to relieve stress it is recommended that you tie up your horse. Use a sturdy and available post for tying up. Leaving hay out for the horse to munch on can keep them busy while putting on the saddle pad and saddle.
Step 3: Groom the Horse
There are many different brushes used but one with many bristles usually tends to do a better job. Pay special attention that the back of the horse is well-groomed because excess grit can irritate the horse. Anyplace that the tack will touch should be especially well done. Now, for once in a long time your horse is clean. Whew!
Step 4: Saddle Pad
After grooming; cover the back of the horse with a saddle pad. The saddle pad should be in the center of the withers or on top of the lower part of the horse’s mane. Walk behind the horse to check if the pad is balanced. Be careful, go about 5 feet behind the horse because it may kick! Once your saddle pad is on correctly you may don the saddle.
Step 5: Saddle
Then put on the saddle. Throw the stirrup and chinch over the saddle seat depending on what side the saddle is applied to. Lift the saddle. Different saddles have different weights so grip the saddle tightly. Don’t heave the saddle onto the horse’s back because that may spook it. Set the saddle on gently but firmly. Again, check that the saddle is well balanced and be careful.
Step 6: Tightening the Chinch
Now to chinch the chinch. This is one of the most important parts because this keeps your saddle from slipping. The saddle is on so reach under the horse and grab the chinch. Again, be careful, a skittish horse may spook or kick! When reaching under the horse don’t be scared because the horse can sense feelings. Also, they are sensitive under their stomachs so be sure and the horse will be calm. Bring the strap through the chinch buckle. Do this twice or three times and pull up to tighten it. If it is possible to bring the strap through again after tightening do that. Now find a hole in the strap that best fits the length of the tightened strap. You may have to loosen the strap a bit to get the buckle in the right hole. Now bring the end of the strap through the strap layers and tie a knot.
Step 7: Put on the Bridle
Lastly, putting on the bridle. Tie the reins together loosely and hook them to the saddle’s horn. The horn is on the front of the saddle. It sticks up and is flat on the top. Put your arm over the neck of the horse and hold on the top part of the bridle. Situate the other hand on the bit. Insert the bit into the horse’s mouth by placing it on the flat of the hand and then pushing it gently in while pulling up on the bridle with the other hand. Do it with the flat of the hand otherwise, the horse may bite! Slip it over the horse’s head and pull the ears through the earholes if there is any on the bridle. Some bridles have chin straps. Buckle those under the chin, not too tight and not too loose. Enough that two fingers can fit under it. Make sure the bridle is not too tight. If there is a dimple on either side of the mouth, then it is just right.
Step 8: Etc...
And done! It may seem hard the first several times but eventually, it becomes easy! Now some horses will “blow up,” which is to say they will hold their breath and keep their stomach big, so the saddle is not so tight. The best way to find out if your horse does that is to walk them around for a couple minutes and re-tighten the chinch. If a horse does this often knee it in the stomach or, just to be safe, lead it around.