Introduction: How to Test Arduino Uno/ Mini Pro/ Nano/Mega(Easy Steps)
Hey guys , This is Ashiq again :)
Click here to watch this tutorial as video :)
Today I'm here with a very interesting topic . Y'all know about this right ? Its all about Arduino . What is Arduino ? Okay , lemme clear this matter out . Arduino is a name of #Developing_board . By using which we can make things like cool prpjects or robotics . For doing these kinda stuffs we must have proper knowledge in programming language first . Cause it runs on various kinda programming languages like C,C++, Python etc . So if you have better knowledge on any of these languages then you can play with the things . There are a lot of developing boards like this . Examples : Raspberry Pi, Intel Gallileo, Intel Edison , CHIP & a lot of 'em & the versions . But Arduino is the cheapest & easiest one for making something really good . For starting it is the right choice & the best kit . Most of the easier boards are micro-controller based & Arduino is the best of 'em I think . It can shrikify your very big project into a small one . On the other hand you can add so many sensors with it like whatever you want to .
This video is dedicated for those who are about to start Arduino learning . From some days I'm feeling there might be some problems when you are first time playing with an Arduino board . Cause the setup is not so easy as we think . But it is also not so tricky . If you watch this video till end then you can obviously do it for sure .
If you have anything to share with us that we can help you with or you can give us tips about making tutorials then please let us know in the comment section . You're free to say anything like whatever good or bad in this video you can share with us . Ask me here : htttp:// Have take a look at my website for so many amazing engineering posts & projects : Rahman
Step 1: Just Follow the Video to Make It Easy
I added the link of a youtube video related to this project. Have a look at that hope you'll be alright for making this project. Its so easy steps. Just watch & make ;) Hope you got that :)