Introduction: How to To Convert a YouTube Video Into an IPhone Ringtone on ITunes 12.5
These instructions were written for Mac users. They may differ for PC users
Step 1: Go to Video on YouTube
Step 2: Copy Link and Paste Into Mp3 Converter (e.g.
Step 3: Download Mp3 Into ITunes
Step 4: Open ITunes and Right-click on New Mp3 File
Step 5: In Drop-down Menu, Click “Get Info”
Step 6: Go to “Options” and Edit Start and Stop Times to Fit Ringtone Length
This length is usually 30 to 40 seconds long
Step 7: Highlight Mp3 File in ITunes and Click “File” in Menu Bar on Top Left of Screen
Step 8: In Drop-down Menu, Click “Convert” and Choose “Create AAC Version”
Step 9: Right-click on New Mp3 File and "Show in Finder"
Step 10: Right-click on File in Finder and “Duplicate”
Step 11: Change the File Extension From .m4a to .m4r
When asked if you want to change the extension, choose "Use .m4r"