Introduction: How to Train Your Dog

Training your dog is an enjoyable and rewarding experience for you and your pet.

Step 1: ​How

First you find something your dog loves. Whether it is treats, a toy, or being petted. Then you give the dog a command. If the dog obeys then give him his treat and praise him, if he does not, enforce it gently (make him) and still give him his treat and praise him. Soon your dog will obey every time and will obey to command alone ( no treat! ) although a treat every once in awhile wouldn't hurt :).

Step 2: ​Name

The first step is to have the dog learn it's name. Whenever you pet your dog, feed it, greet it, or have anything to do with it you should start with the dog's name. By doing this consistantly the dog will soon learn it's name and come to look at you whenever it's name is spoken. After the dog has learn it's name it will be much esier to train it.

Step 3: Sit, Down, and Learn

Follow the the theory in step 1 in order to teach your dog sit, down, and other cool tricks. The important thing is to make sure the dog obeys you and to reward him for it.