Introduction: How to Turn Off Autocorrect on the Samsung Galaxy S7!!

About: I post how to videos on youtube and run my own business on the side making hand crafted keychains, Jewelry and other items. One of my main goals in life is to help as many people as I can and just knowing tha…

This Instructable will show you how to turn off autocorrect on the Samsung Galaxy S7

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Step 1: Open Apps

Step 2: Go to Settings

Step 3: Scroll Down

Step 4: Go to General Management

Step 5: Go to Language and Input

Step 6: Go to Virtual Keyboard

Step 7: Go to Samsung Keyboard

Step 8: Turn Off Predictive Text

To turn off Predictive text, flip the switch to the Left

When you flip the switch to the Left, it should change from Blue to Grey

When the switch is Blue, it indicates that Predictive text is turned On

When the switch is Grey, it indicates that Predictive text is turned Off

Step 9: Turn Off Auto Capitalize (Optional)

To turn off Auto Capitalize, flip the switch to the Left

When you flip the switch to the Left, it should change from Blue to Grey

When the switch is Blue, it indicates that Auto Capitalize is turned On

When the switch is Grey, it indicates that Auto Capitalize is turned Off

Step 10: Turn Off Auto Spacing (Optional)

To turn off Auto Spacing, flip the switch to the Left

When you flip the switch to the Left, it should change from Blue to Grey

When the switch is Blue, it indicates that Auto Spacing is turned On

When the switch is Grey, it indicates that Auto Spacing is turned Off

Step 11: Press the Home Button

When you press the Home Button, it will take you back to your Home Screen

You can also Scroll Back through all the Menus until you get back to your Home Screen