Introduction: How to Turn a Dollar Bill Into a Heart
This is a cute design you can use as a decoration. For example, you can add it to a graduation lei!
Step 1: What You Will Need:
- A dollar bill or any bill you would like
Step 2: Fold Your Bill
- choose a top corner of the bill you would like to start on
- fold one corner of the bill down until it aligns with the other side
- fold one corner of the bill down until it aligns with the other side
Step 3: Do the Same to the Other Side
fold the other half
Step 4: Push Sides Together
- pinch in both on the edges you folded
- press the upper flares that are sticking up down onto the surface
- press the upper flares that are sticking up down onto the surface
Step 5: Top Flares Pushed Down
- should form the shape of a triangle
Step 6: Push the Corner to Meet the Tip
- do the same on the other side
Step 7: It Should Look Like This
Step 8: Press the Triangles Down
- insert your finger in the space of the triangle you folded
- press it down in the center and you should get a square shape
- press it down in the center and you should get a square shape
Step 9: Repeat on the Other Side
- you should now have two squares beside eachother
Step 10: Fold Square
- fold the square corner in half to meet in the center
Step 11: Do the Same to the Other Sides
- you should have a total of 4 folds in half
Step 12: Press Down on the Half Folds
- press down on the very tip of the folds
Step 13: Mini Triangle Tip
- it should look this once it’s pressed down
- repeat on the reminder folds
- repeat on the reminder folds
Step 14: This Should Be the Results
- all 4 folds should have a flare out effect like the photo shown
Step 15: Repeat on the Other Side
- repeats steps 1-14 on the opposite side of the bill
Step 16: Results
- both sides should look the same like the photo shown
Step 17: Fold Together
- push one side in next to the other
- press down so that the back can fold
- both sides should look combined
- press down so that the back can fold
- both sides should look combined
Step 18: Create a Heart Shape
- there was a top flare sticking up behind the heart shape
- fold it downward behind the back to create a heart
- fold it downward behind the back to create a heart
Step 19: Fold Sides
- fold the side points of the heart for better shaping
Step 20: Final Product!
You have a heart shaped bill!