Introduction: How to Unblock a Bath
It is frustrating when you want to shower so badly only to find the bath is not functioning properly. Whether it is taking too long to drain or is completely blocked, you need to ensure you solve the problem as quickly as possible before it gets out of hand. As easily as it may sound, bath blockages can be a big inconvenience if not handled well. This article will address some of the causes of blocking and how to address them properly.
Doing First Things First by Identifying the Problem
Bath facilities block for different reasons hence the first thing you must do is identify the problem then you can know how to fix it. If the water is not draining well or is completely blocked, there could be a buildup of hair or scum in the drains.
Take care when you are trying to plunge the shower. This is because a good number of them contain joint over-flows that are hidden underneath it. If not handled well, they can break leading to flooding in the bathroom. In addition, they have stubborn waste that you cannot easily access using hooks. By using strong chemicals or acids, you might end up making the problem even worse as it only hangs around the debris. This can also cause upheaval and damage yet most shower wastes cannot be accessed easily without lifting the ceiling.
Simple Techniques to Clear the Blockage
Before you embark on the process, use a pair of rubber gloves to protect your hand as you never know what the cause of the blockage could be. The good thing is that you can use simple things around the house to solve the problem without damaging the facility in the process.
Clear the Blockage
Begin by pouring a small amount of bicarbonate soda in the drain then add a tinge of white vinegar. This will fizz away and eventually break down any debris. If the debris comes out successfully, use hot water to flush through gently.
If soda bicarbonate does not work you can try using a hook with the shape of a coat hanger to scrap out the debris causing the problem.
Breaking down the debris is usually the easy thing to do, but sometimes it does not work fast enough to clear the problem. The other plan is to remove the U bend. Remove the panel on the side of the shower to expose the U bend; it resembles the one under the kitchen sink. Most times blockages in the shower are caused by buildup of gunk or grease in the bend. It is easy to remove the bend so long as you have something to hold water when removing the pipe. Once it is removed, simply clean it well by hand and remember not to run water through the plughole until you replace the pipe.
The Last Resort
You should only resort to chemical drain cleaners when all other techniques have failed. Try using caustic soda to unblock the drain, but you should not rely on it all the time. Some of the chemicals can be highly poisonous if they come into contact with your skin or if swallowed. If residue from the chemicals is not washed properly, it can hang around the drain for several hours and other than burning your skin, they can damage the pipes completely. However, if you choose to go for this option, make sure you purchase it from credible stores and follow the instruction manual and procedures on the bottle to the latter.
Prevention Method and Way Forward
After all is said and done, you need to derive prevention techniques to avoid future blockages. One simple way is to use a drop in hair trap that sits over the plughole in the bath. It will effectively collect any loose hair strands and other debris that could cause blockages. It is also cheap and can be reused several times.
If your shower is overflowing, the damage can be quite costly and difficult to handle. If the problem is not too major, you can simply use easy DIY techniques, but should the problem be too severe and hard to deal with, be sure to find a professional plumber like, Doran Plumbers in Dublin, to help you resolve the issue.