Introduction: How to Up-cycle a Broken Patio Table Into an Awesome Farm Style Wood Table

About: We are a family of six who left the city to live and grow on 20 acres. We like to make things and reuse things and build from the land. Enjoy!

In this tutorial we'll show you how to up-cycle a broken patio table and turn it into an awesome farm style wood table. Save some money, get your table and have fun all along.

You can watch the video here.


  1. A table with a shattered table top ;)
  2. Board (We used cedar boards, 8 ft pre-cut)
  3. Measuring tape and wood pencil
  4. Screwdriver
  5. Screws
  6. Wood glue (optional)
  7. Paint brush (to spread the glue)
  8. Hole saw
  9. Saw
  10. Drill

Step 1: Tighten the Screws.

The table needs to be sturdy and stable.

Step 2: Arrange the Cedar Pieces on the Floor.

Lay out the boards on the floor/ground. Place them parallel to each other. Use a straight piece of wood at the end of the boards to keep them aligned.

Step 3: Place the Table Frame on It.

Make sure that you place the frame right in the middle, with the same length remaining on opposite sides.

Step 4: Measure the Width of the Table and Cut Two Pieces of Board Accordingly.

We now need to provide support to the boards. So, we will place a piece of board (luckily we had an extra piece of cedar board) right across the boards. That makes it 2 pieces of board, one at each end. Make sure that there is enough support for all the boards. Nothing should be left hanging with backing.

Step 5: Fix the Pieces of Board at Either End With Wood Glue. (Optional)

This is for extra adhesiveness. You can have fun with drawing glue patterns. :)

You can totally skip it too.

Step 6: Secure the Boards With Screws.

The fasteners should be such that they fasten the backing board to the tabletop, but do not show up on the table top. Choose the screws carefully.

Step 7: Fasten the Metal Frame to the Boards.

Step 8: Using a Hole Saw, Drill a Hole in the Table Top for the Umbrella Pole.

You might need to drill from the bottom and the top. So don't flip the table until you are done drilling from the bottom. Then flip it and drill from the top.

Step 9: Finish the Edges of the Table Top.

Check for overhangs and extra lengths.

Step 10: Ta-da! the Final Look!

The table's all done.

To stain/seal or not to, that is the question (that you can ask your kids)! :)

Your choice really, since cedar is waterproof by itself.

So we saved on a new table top and got ourselves a sturdy, up-cycled table, for just $70, that's definitely going to last a lot longer than an expensive glass topped table.

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