Introduction: How to Use PIR Motion Sensor(HC-SR501)with an Arduino
Hello dear friends;
In this project , i have tried to explain how to use PIR Motion Sensor(HC-SR501) with an Arduino...
As most of you know, it is using in the WC's, buildings and homes in order to lower electricty bills.
In fact , you can make your own HOME AUTOMATION if yo want to lower your bills :) Only thing you have to do is using relay with this sensor...
For how to use relay module with an Arduino pls read this article and watch the video:Click here
But how this sensor works? It is very simple....Basically this sensor scanning the area and differentiate the radiation difference.If there is a difference it means there is a movement .(Every obstacle , human or animal got some radiation ). If movement occur, PIR Sensor send 1 LOGIC Signal into Arduino, contrast; PIR Sensor send 0 LOGIC Signal into Arduino.So we can use this system with Arduino and we will be able make some automations....
Required materials:
x1 Arduino UNO
x1 Breadboard
x1 PIR Motion Sensor (HC-SR501)
x1 Buzzer
All the codes(arduino) and circuit diagram (fritzing) has been uploaded here and on github(some kind of Turkish letters if you use github link):Codes and circuit(fritzing) from github CLICK HERE
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If any question or suggestion, here or on YouTube channel please...
Good Luck,Have Fun!
Sorry for my English if i made mistakes :/