Introduction: How to Use TP4056 Lithium-Ion Battery Charging Module
Batteries have changed the world we live in today. All the electronic products that exist require batteries to power up their system. Also, with innovations, new types of batteries have come up with new chemical technology. But can the batteries be recharged? Well, they can. Now, there are battery charging modules that can charge a single cell battery.
One of the charging modules is the TP4056 Lithium-Ion Battery Charging Module which can charge Lithium-Ion batteries. The most commonly used 18650 Lithium-Ion batteries can be charged using this battery charging module.
In this guide, you will get an insight on how to use the TP4056 Lithium-Ion Battery charging Module.
Step 1: Connections
The charging of batteries through the TP4056 Charging Module requires a 5V wall adapter. If you don’t have a wall adapter follow the following connections
1. '+' terminal of DC jack connects to one terminal of the switch and '-' terminal of DC jack connects to GND pin of 7805 regulator.
2. Another pin of the switch is connected to Vin pin of 7805 regulators.
3. Connect three 100 nF capacitors in parallel between Vin and GND pin of the voltage regulator. (Use General purpose circuit board for this purpose)
4. Connect a 100 nF capacitor between Vout and GND pin of the voltage regulator. (Use General purpose circuit board for this purpose)
5. Connect Vout pin of 7805 voltage regulator with IN+ pin of the TP4056 module.
6. Connect GND pin of 7805 voltage regulator with IN- pin of TP4056 module.
7. Connect '+' terminal of the battery holder to B+ pin and '-' terminal of the battery holder to B- pin of TP4056 module.
If you have 18650 Li-Ion batteries, connect one battery as shown in the connection diagram.
You can charge only one battery at a time. In order to charge the battery, you can either use the IN+ and IN- terminals or provide 5V or alternatively, you can use a USB cable to directly charge from USB supply.
The TP4056 Lithium-Ion Charging Battery Module is very useful and it also comes with current protection. Now you can recharge your own batteries and you wouldn’t require to purchase a new battery every time.
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