Introduction: How to Use a Miter Box
A miter box is a tool that can be used to guide a handsaw and cut angles into wood. The most commonly used angles are 90 degrees and 45 degrees. Cutting across the face of a piece of wood creates a miter cut, whereas cutting across the height of the wood creates a bevel cut. As you work, make sure to follow all proper safety protocol in the workshop
Miter box, handsaw, wood piece
Step 1: Mark Your Material
Begin by marking the angle you plan on cutting on your material, either on the edge or the face. Use a carpenters square to make the mark, making sure you measured the long end of any miters.
Step 2: Secure Your Material
Make sure the wood is oriented correctly relative to your mark, and line the mark up with the corresponding angle in the miter box edge.
Secure your material within the miter box, using either the black clamp pins in the holes on the box, or regular clamps on the sides. When using the clamp pins, rotate the pin within the hole until the wood is secure (the pins are not constant diameter for this reason). Make sure that the piece is lined up and secured in such a way that the saw blade will cut on the waste side.
Step 3: Make Your Cut
Use the sides of the box to line your saw up with the correct angle. Score your cut with the saw first, making sure the cut will be on the waste side of the mark. Then, proceed to use the saw normally to cut through your piece.
Step 4: Clean Up
When you are done, make sure to vacuum/ throw away the sawdust that has collected in the box, and put away all of the tools and materials you used.