Introduction: How to Wash Dishes by Hand
The next steps will show you how to thoroughly wash dishes by hand.
Step 1: Rinse and Wash Out Your Sink
Make sure to thoroughly clean the sink so that when you start to wash your dishes the sink is clean.
Step 2: Fill Sink Up With Soapy Water
1. Plug your sink with a plug stopper.
2. Fill sink with warm water.
3. Fill sink until about 1/3 full.
Step 3: Let Dish Soak in Water
There is no set amount of time to let the dishes soak in the water, but to make cleaning easier it is suggested.
Step 4: Place Dish Soap on Brush or Sponge.
Step 5: Scrub the Dish
Step 6: Use Soapy Water to Clean.
Step 7: Rinse Dish With Clean Water.
Step 8: Unplug Sink to Let Out the Dish Water.
Step 9: Dry the Dishes
Use a dish cloth to dry off the dishes. You can also air dry them if you have a drying rack.
Step 10: Put Dishes Away
Place the clean dishes in the cupboard.