Introduction: How to Wear a Lungi or Dhoti

About: I experience life through my finger tips and taste buds. Can't stop making new things. In my day job I manage a student workshop, and in my free time I volunteer as an EMT and for a local food rescue organizat…

In India, many men wear simple wrap called lungis or dhoti. Don't be confused, a lungi is not a a skirt, or even a kilt. Lungis come in many colors styles and patterns and there are a variety of ways to wear one. Technically, the only difference between a lungi and a dhoti is that a lungi has a pattern on it while a dhoti is either white or solid colored with a stripe.

Step 1: Initial Wrap

Start by holding the lungi behind you and wrap one side around your body. Next, make a fold in the side you wrapped around.

Step 2: The Second Wrap

With the fold in place, wrap the other side around your body, and tuck in the end. Roll the top of the lungi down a few times for extra security.

Step 3: Shortening

For extra flexibility and ventilation, it is common to wear a lungi at knee height. To do this properly, start by bending over and grab one end of the lungi, or bend your knee and bring it to you. Next. Bring the other side up, and tie the ends together loosely.

Step 4: Other Styles

There is no right or wrong way to wear a lungi, so you can get creative if you want, and tie it up in any way you please. Some lungis even have pockets and belts now for extra convenience.

Step 5: Lungi Dance! Lungi Dance!

Now you are ready to DANCE! Lungis offer superior flexibility and movement for dancing and many other activities.