Introduction: How to Add 6 Extra Pins to Your Arduino With No Extra Hardware

About: Software developer and electronics tinkerer.

Hello, this is my second Instructable so please bear with me.
I am going to tell you how to get 6 extra Arduino digital pins.
I discovered this by playing with the Arduino IDE and tried setting up a LED on pin 14 (which does not exist on the board) And guess what? Analog pin 0 is pin 14!

Step 1: How to Get the Other Analog Inputs Working Too

It is pretty simple to get the others working too! Here is a list of all of the pins:

Pin 14 = Analog in 0
Pin 15 = Analog in 1
Pin 16 = Analog in 2
Pin 17 = Analog in 3
Pin 18 = Analog in 4
Pin 19 = Analog in 5

Unfortunately these are not PWM pins, but you can use the SoftPWM library to get software-based PWM, which is almost as good as native PWM.

Step 2: The Example Code

Here is just an example code i wrote for testing:

int ledPin = 14;
int gndPin = 15;
void setup()
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(gndPin, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(gndPin, LOW);

void loop()
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

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