Introduction: How to Assembly a Skateboard
Assembly a skateboard is simple, easy and quick if you just follow the instructions in this tutorial. This tutorial includes 10 steps, and it is going to take any where from 10 minutes to 15 minutes. Any incompletion of instruction could cause danger during skateboarding. All the instructions do not require any specific mechanical skill or experience, but users need to be familiar with wrench, screwdriver, and blade. Any user under 12 should be supervised by adult. Follow these 10 steps in this tutorial to set up your skateboard and let's go skate and have a great time.
Step 1: Parts Checklist
Parts checklist:
Skateboard deck (1)
Skateboard grip tape (1)
Skateboard truck (1)
Skateboard wheels (4)
Skateboard bearing (8)
Skateboard hardware (8)
You can personalize each part listed above for your skateboard, and there are lots of skateboarding companies out there for you to choose. Depending on personal preferences, you can choose parts from your favorite companies.
Tools checklist:
9/16 wrench (1)
3/8 wrench (1)
1/2 wrench (1)
Screwdriver (1)
Blade (1)
Skateboard deck (1)
Skateboard grip tape (1)
Skateboard truck (1)
Skateboard wheels (4)
Skateboard bearing (8)
Skateboard hardware (8)
You can personalize each part listed above for your skateboard, and there are lots of skateboarding companies out there for you to choose. Depending on personal preferences, you can choose parts from your favorite companies.
Tools checklist:
9/16 wrench (1)
3/8 wrench (1)
1/2 wrench (1)
Screwdriver (1)
Blade (1)
Step 2: Get Ready to Stick
Remove the plastic protective sheet from the skateboard deck and peel off the protective sheet from the skateboard grip tape.
Step 3: Stick the Deck
Place the grip tape on the skateboard deck, and the grip tape should be centered on the skateboard deck. Flattening the grip tape, make sure there is no air between skateboard deck and grip tape. Your grip tape should be fully stick on to the skateboard deck.
Step 4: Scrap the Grip Tape
Use screwdriver and scrap around the side of the skateboard deck, you should see the shape of skateboard deck on the grip tape after scraping the grip tape. This step will help you to cut the grip tape more cleaner and easier.
Step 5: Cut the Grip Tape
Follow the white line on the grip tape that we made from last step. Use blade to cut the extra grip tape off the sides of the skateboard deck.
Step 6: Bearings
Install two bearings into the socket on a wheel, repeat this step for each wheel. Make sure the cover of the bearing is facing outside, in this case the red side of the bearings should be facing the outside of the wheel.
It is usually hard to push the bearings into the wheels, here is a tip for you. Place a bearing on the axle of the skateboard truck and place a wheel right after the bearing. Push the wheel down, the bearing will easily install into the socket on the wheels.
It is usually hard to push the bearings into the wheels, here is a tip for you. Place a bearing on the axle of the skateboard truck and place a wheel right after the bearing. Push the wheel down, the bearing will easily install into the socket on the wheels.
Step 7: Hardware
Lay the hardware (also known as bolts or screws) on the griped skateboard deck. There should be eight holes for hardware on a skateboard deck, four on the nose and four on the tail. Push the bolts through the grip, and make sure you get rid off extra grip tapes from the bolts.
Step 8: Trucks
Place the skateboard deck sideways, make sure the screws are in the holes. Install the trucks on the skateboard deck, there should be four holes on each truck for the hardware. Install the locknuts onto the screws after trucks, make sure the trucks are facing the correct direction before you screw down the screws.
Step 9: Hardware Locknuts
Get a 3/8 wrench and a screwdriver, use wrench to stabilize the locknuts and screw down the screws. Make sure the each screw is not tight enough to damage the grip tape and the skateboard deck.
Step 10: Trucks and Wheels
Put wheels on the trucks, and install a locknut for each axle on the truck. Get a 1/2 wrench, stabilize the skateboard and screw down the truck locknuts.
Step 11: Personalize Your Grip Tape
Not only you can leave your grip tape nice and classic, but also you can make your grip tape creative and unique. There are lots of ways to personalize your grip tape, you can draw on the grip tape with different colors of makers, or you can come up with some more creative ideas. In this tutorial, I cut out the original grip tape on the skateboard deck with a shape I want, and replaced with pink grip tapes.
Step 12: Conclusion
After 10 simple steps, now you are ready to skateboard. It's important to make sure every screw on your skateboard is tight, also you can adjust your trucks to tight or loose by using a 9/16 wrench to adjust the locknuts on the trucks. It's really handy to use a skateboard tool for assembling a skateboard, it comes with a 9/16 wrench, a 3/8 wrench, a 1/2 wrench, a screwdriver, and a Allen key. These 10 steps are all you need to know how to assembly a skateboard, take your complete skateboard outside and have a great time.