Introduction: How to Be Jem From Jem the Holograms for Halloween

About: thirty something girl that loves crafting and collecting all things vintage!
Jem is truly outrageous truly truly truly outrageous.

Jem and the Holograms was my favorite 1980's cartoon ever so I have decided to be Jem for Halloween this year.

Here is my slideshow on my costume Jem. This is my favorite holiday and I love to get a head start and plan months in advance!!

I took a very basic wrap dress pattern - angled the bottom skirt and found this amazing pink fabric.

The belt / sash was drawn out on newspaper as a pattern then I sewed the details on my hand.

I used 2 pink wigs which I sewed together to get the layered look of Jems hair and the earring were made from hot pink baking clay - although they did not light up.

I am ready for this best HALLOWEEN EVER - 2008 Happy Haunting