Introduction: How to Browse the Internet Anonymously

As today surfing the web without protection is unsafe, this instructable will show you how to browse the internet anonymously. When you browse internet anonymously, this means no one knows who you are and you can also browse blocked websites!

Step 1: Things You'll Need...

-A computer (d'uh)
-Windows OS

Step 2: Download

UltraSurf is a free program that allows you to browse the internet anonymously. You can download the latest version of UltraSurf from here.

Step 3: Run UltraSurf

Once you have downloaded UltraSurf, extract it using WinRAR. You can download WinRAR from here.

Step 4: Run

Now run the file that you have extracted. You will see a screen like the one above. Now open your browser and you will be able to browse anonymously and open blocked websites!