Introduction: How to Clean a Toilet Without Chemicals
It's not hard, in fact it takes less time and you end up with a sparkly clean toilet...
If you do this once a week you'll never need to use bleach or limescale remover...
If you do this once a week you'll never need to use bleach or limescale remover...
Step 1: You Will Need.
- A dirty toilet, I waited for ages to get mine this dirty, used it as an ashtray and let it get dirty...
- A plastic toilet brush
- One square of toilet paper
That's it, note the lack of 'products'
- A plastic toilet brush
- One square of toilet paper
That's it, note the lack of 'products'
Step 2: Stick the Brush In...
Take the brush and start at the bottom, get the corners by twisting clockwise only, otherwise you'll have to fish the unscrewed toilet brush head out of the bog...
For the corners nearest your at the bottom use an up and down motion, not too violent, otherwise the water will slosh straight up in to your face...
For the corners nearest your at the bottom use an up and down motion, not too violent, otherwise the water will slosh straight up in to your face...
Step 3: Now the Bowl
Scrub around the bowl with the brush, just make sure you get all around the bowl...
Now take that piece of toilet paper, fold it and go around the rim where the seat would sit, if you miss then add a drop of water to the paper, my main problem is gratuitous amounts of dust so water is not helpful...
Now take that piece of toilet paper, fold it and go around the rim where the seat would sit, if you miss then add a drop of water to the paper, my main problem is gratuitous amounts of dust so water is not helpful...
Step 4: And Flush
drop the toilet paper into the toilet for flushing.
Take your brush and hold it where the water falls in to the toilet, flush and use the falling water to give the brush a good rinse.
Replace brush and wash your hands thoroughly, with soap, admire your handywork, rather than your handywork that made the mess.
Having lived in the new house for a year, the toilet has been in use for a year, yet it has never needed bleached because I do this every one to two weeks, by not allowing dirt to permeate the enamel you have much less work to do...
Take your brush and hold it where the water falls in to the toilet, flush and use the falling water to give the brush a good rinse.
Replace brush and wash your hands thoroughly, with soap, admire your handywork, rather than your handywork that made the mess.
Having lived in the new house for a year, the toilet has been in use for a year, yet it has never needed bleached because I do this every one to two weeks, by not allowing dirt to permeate the enamel you have much less work to do...
Step 5: And Flush
Drop the toilet paper in, hold the brush where the water falls in to the bowl and rinse while flushing...
Replace your brush after tapping the shaft on the rim a few times to get rid of water.
Wash your hands thorughly, preferably with anti-bac soap.
Stand back and admire your handywork, probably nicer than your last piece of toilet handywork.
This new house has now been lived in for a year, I've never had to bleach or use any cleaners on the toilet because I do this ever week or two, basically the dirt doesn't get to permeate the enamel, meaning it can be wiped or scrubbed off.
Replace your brush after tapping the shaft on the rim a few times to get rid of water.
Wash your hands thorughly, preferably with anti-bac soap.
Stand back and admire your handywork, probably nicer than your last piece of toilet handywork.
This new house has now been lived in for a year, I've never had to bleach or use any cleaners on the toilet because I do this ever week or two, basically the dirt doesn't get to permeate the enamel, meaning it can be wiped or scrubbed off.