Introduction: How to Clean Your Old Kodak Dualflex II

About: I born and live actually in Italy,so my homespeaking is not the english and please be kind if i made some mistakes with it....
Everybody knows,all the olds TLR after a couple of decades,gets dusty and the lenses appears all blurry....if you want to make your old TLR shiny like brand new this is your place!

Step 1: What You Need:

For proceed you need:

- A cross screwdriver
- Surgical spirit,methyl or a simple glass cleaner
- Blotting paper
- A soft cloth

Step 2: Remove the Screws

Remove the 4  front screws around lenses(image 1),the 3 screws under the camera(image 2) and the 4 screws around the viewfinder(image 3) in order to disassemble the body

Step 3: Dismantle

Dismantle the body,beeing sure that all the seal gaskets remains intact then extract the viewfinder and its gasket

Step 4: Clean

clean the lenses,the mirror and the viewfinder with the methyl and the blotting paper,taking care of drying-up well the whole thing.
Clean the body with a wet cloth paying attention to NOT wet the gaskets.
In all the procedures is better that you don't touch the shutter gears,and not wet it at all

Step 5: Reassemble

Reassemble all taking care of not leave fingerprints on the glasses out of reach once the camera is entire anew