Introduction: How to Connect Two Phones at Home for an Intercom or for Children Amusement
I was inspired by two Instructables to create an intercom at home.
The only difference in mine was using a dead laptop power supply to power the telephones instead of batteries. Like it is appreciated in the picture I drilled a hole on a plastic electrical box and pushed the wire through. I made a knot to avoid someone yanking the wires of the phone jack by accident.
The only difference in mine was using a dead laptop power supply to power the telephones instead of batteries. Like it is appreciated in the picture I drilled a hole on a plastic electrical box and pushed the wire through. I made a knot to avoid someone yanking the wires of the phone jack by accident.
Step 1: Using Solderless Connectors
The 20 volt transformer came with just one white colored wire and another braided wire around this single wire. I assumed that the white wire was the "live" or negative charged wire and the braided uninsulated wire was the "neutral" or positive wire. I was pleased to discovered that I was correct.
Step 2: Connecting the Wires to the Wall Jack
With a crimper I connected all the wires.
- Live or negative (the red wire on the picture) to A jack green
- Neutral or positive (the black and red wire) to B jack red
- Connect a resistor between A red and B green
Step 3: Enclosing the Project
After I connected all the wires I enclosed the project. Soon my children were talking to each other using this "intercom".