Introduction: How to Connect Your Computer to Your TV Using a Converter

Many people want to watch things from their laptops on their TVs.  The only problem generally is that you will find you don’t have the correct video ports to go from your laptop to your TV.  You can solve this issue by using a converter, a device that allows you to go from one port on your computer to a different type of port on your TV.  In this example we will go from an HDMI port to a VGA port.

Note - This guide is for windows 7 and windows 8.  All the steps may not work for other operating systems.

Step 1: To Do This You Will Need . . .

First and foremost, you will need a laptop with an HDMI port and a second display, along with the Items listed above.

Step 2: Initial Setup

There are just three cables you need to set up:

First plug the HDMI cable into your laptop then into  the converter. 
Second plug the VGA cable from the converter to the projector.

Third plug the USB cable into converter and laptop.

NOTE - It is important to note that the signal from a converter can only go one direction.  In the example we are using this converter can only go from an HDMI source to a VGA source.  If you had a laptop with a VGA port and a TV with an HDMI port, you would need a different converter.

Step 3: Setting Up the Computer

a)Turn on both your laptop and your display, which will generally be a TV, although you could use a projector or monitor as well.

b)You may not see anything on your second display, do not worry.

c)If you hold down the windows key and hit “P” you will get a list of options.  If you are unfamiliar with windows key it is the small key at the botom left hand corner of your keyboard and looks like a flag.
This small list of options looks different on windows 7 and 8 but simply consists of four choices, who of which we will discuss.

Step 4: Extending

a)Now you have two options, the first one we will go over is the “extended” function.  Click on the option titled “extend”.

b)If your second display was not on before it will be now.  Your laptop  now views your second display as an independent  monitor.  If you wiggle your mouse around a bit you will find it pop up now on your second display.  You can even drag another windows over to that display.  You do this by clicking on the frame of the window, holding the click, and moving the window off your computer onto your display (the direction you move the windows depends on your computer’s settings).

Step 5: Extended Layout

a)In order to setup where your computer thinks your second display is in relation to your computer you will have to right click on your desktop and select “Screen Resolutions”.  This will affect which direction you move your mouse in order to move it from your computer to your second display.

b)You will see a big “1”, which represents your computer, and a big “2” on your screen which represents the secondary display. Move the “2” to the right, left, or above “1” and hit apply. The picture will show where your secondary monitor is oriented.  As an example, if the “2” is to the right of the “1”, when you move your mouse off your screen to the right it will appear on your second display.

Step 6: Cloning

a)Now if you want to see the same thing on your display and your computer you can again hold down the Window’s button and hit “P”.

b)This time Select “Duplicate”.

c)This function will allow you to see the same thing on both your computer and your Display.