Introduction: How to Cut Steel Bars
I did this at TechShop Menlo Park.
In the attempt to make a frame for large light-box for artwork we needed to cut galvanized steel bars to 1ft lengths.
In the attempt to make a frame for large light-box for artwork we needed to cut galvanized steel bars to 1ft lengths.
Step 1: Loading
We placed the bars on the cutting area with a rolling support from one side to hold the weight up.
Step 2: Measuring
With a tape measurer we measured 1ft lengths.
Step 3: Set Up
The wheel is turned to the right to secure the metal in place. The bandsaw is lowered to about an inch above the cutting area with the red handle.
Step 4: Cutting
Pressing the green saw button sends the blade moving and coolant begins to squirt out.
Step 5: Piece Reteival
The bandsaw reaches the bottom releasing the loose perfectly cut pieces.
Piece of cake! But be aware of the beasts power at all times.
Piece of cake! But be aware of the beasts power at all times.