Introduction: How to Draw Drillium (or How to Doodle Modern Art)

About: All you need to know is I exist......
Drillium is the art of drilling as many holes in something (often bikes) as you can and not have it fall apart. Some people have got it down to a fine art, but I don't have anything I'm willing to sacrifice to drilling holes in.
Then one day, one of my friends shows me something he's doodled on his lecture notes, and I thought:
"Now I can have some drillium without drilliuing!"

So I tweaked the method slightly, and here we go...

a) Writing Implement (pen, pencil, crayon. If it makes a mark on paper, it'll work)
b) Paper. (Again, it isn't fussy exactly what. If you can make a mark on it with implement a, it'll work)
c) Time. (Boring lectures work well. Wait, I didn't say that did I?)

This is a very low-key drawing type. You can make lots of mistakes, and it will be hard to tell from the finished product.
I'm sure 90% of readers will say 'I can draw that' and go off and duplicate the style fine. Great, the point if Instructables is to inspire you to do something. If not, then read on, and I'll lead you through it.

Most of the images have been tweaked to make the shape stand out more. Hope you don't mind.

Step 1: A Single Segment (outline)

This drawing style starts off with an outline. It can be anything at all. I have a specific style that follows a set of steps:

1) As few as possible straight lines
2) Corners sharp (less than 90 degrees)
3) Maximum of three corners per shape.

Just get out there and try drawing this sort of shape. With a bit of practice, it's simple enough, but here are a few tips:
 - To draw a single arc rest your wrist on the paper and pivot it.
 - You can extend lines at the end to make them match perfectly, don't worry if they don't quite line up right.
 - Only go over each line once, don't make it sketchy. 

Step 2: A Single Segment (filling)

Filling the outlines is rather algorithmic. If you are daunted by that word, don't be. It just means that there is a set method that is repeated lots.

So do this a couple of times:
1) Find biggest white area that isn't inside a circle
2) Draw a circle in this area touching as many places as possible.

Stop when the diameter of the circle is a significant size of the line width

Drawing small circles is easy. Unlike arcs and big circles, small circles are just finger movements. So keep your wrist in one place and move your fingers in a circle. Presto! A little circle.
Then do it again. And again, and again!

Step 3: Combining Segments

The awesome thing about the curve and sharp corner style is that they can fit together in so many ways! I've discovered that a few things look better than others though:

1) Keep each segment simple and small
2) Try keep the same curve directions on nearby pieces.
3) Try maintain a constant-ish width between segments.

I've attached an image of creating the same basic shape, but using a different filler piece. One definitely works better than the other...

Step 4: Overall Design

Most of my drawings grow from a single segment and thinking about shape doesn't really go into it much. They end up like they end up, and you guys only see the ones that I like! That said, here's a few things that work and a few things that don't

Doesn't Work
1) Exact symmetry. It is impossible to draw a segment exactly the same as another one, because each has so many elements and it's impossible to draw perfect circles. The eye finds these...
2) Hard shapes. Trying to draw a desk or chair like this would not work...

Does Work:
1) Base symmetry. The general shape can be rotationally or linearly symmetrical and it looks fine. 
2) Organic shapes. Things with natural curves and slight imperfections work well
3) Faux mechanical. These things look like girders. If you arrange them right, it can look like a robot arm....

Kind of Works
1) Text. Some letters look better than others.

Some Notes on Inspiration
Microscopic images are great. There are an amazing number of things based on circles or tiny cell-like things:
Dragonfly wings, plant cells, leaves etc.

Additional thoughts 
The drawing doesn't have to be entirely this style. Sometimes having one side of a segment being much thicker than others can enhance the outline of an object. Likewise, the friend I adapted this from combined it with a recursive triangle design (Sierpinski triangles for those that know what they are).

In general, just play around and have fun!