Introduction: How to Fish?
Fishing is a simple thing to learn and is really fun. well really fun when you are catching fish, but you can catch other things as well like a dog.
Step 1: Things You Will Need.
Fishing poll
fishing line
Protective head gear
some where to sit
Fishing poll
fishing line
Protective head gear
some where to sit
Step 2: Basics.
If you are new to fishing you will want to start fresh water fishing, usually because you can do freshwater fishing in more locations, this is fishing in rivers, ponds, lakes, bayous and etc.
Rig your line with some weights on the end and a cork thats it, no hook! Now go in the back yard and practice casting techniques for example the over head and under hand.
Overhead is good becuase it is easy and can go farther.
Underhand is good for tight areas like under a trees branch.
also it depends on what you want to catch, if you use different baits you will catch different fish.
worms = anything
and = more for bass
jigs = carpe and sacalia
chicken liver = catfish, and gar(some people like gar to make gar balls which are delicious but they are hard to unhook and have very sharp teath so be carefull.)
Rig your line with some weights on the end and a cork thats it, no hook! Now go in the back yard and practice casting techniques for example the over head and under hand.
Overhead is good becuase it is easy and can go farther.
Underhand is good for tight areas like under a trees branch.
also it depends on what you want to catch, if you use different baits you will catch different fish.
worms = anything
and = more for bass
jigs = carpe and sacalia
chicken liver = catfish, and gar(some people like gar to make gar balls which are delicious but they are hard to unhook and have very sharp teath so be carefull.)
Step 3: What to Look For!
To increase your odds of catching a fiah you want to cast your rod in certian areas.
Cast you line next to the banks, trees laying in water, stumps, even floating algee.
To help you from getting hung in the areas listed you can hook your line a certian way to avoid this problem. If using worms plastic or live hook through the very head and then hook again in the middle with the hook tip still in the bait like shown in the picture.
Also if u want to fish underneath the algee use a cone wieght with the way told to hook you bait. this will allow it to sink through the algee and not get hung on weed, this method is used alot and could help you catch that bass hidding under that algee.
Cast you line next to the banks, trees laying in water, stumps, even floating algee.
To help you from getting hung in the areas listed you can hook your line a certian way to avoid this problem. If using worms plastic or live hook through the very head and then hook again in the middle with the hook tip still in the bait like shown in the picture.
Also if u want to fish underneath the algee use a cone wieght with the way told to hook you bait. this will allow it to sink through the algee and not get hung on weed, this method is used alot and could help you catch that bass hidding under that algee.
Step 4: What to Aviod!
When fishing if you see gar swiming around try to move to another fishing area. Gar normally eat the fish you are attracting with your bait so you will have a hard time to cath the fish.
Dont jerk you line when using spinners, most times you will feel jerks but its just your rig hitting the bottom or some weeds. only jerk when it pulls your line really hard to where you know you have a fish.
Dont jerk you line when using spinners, most times you will feel jerks but its just your rig hitting the bottom or some weeds. only jerk when it pulls your line really hard to where you know you have a fish.