Introduction: How to Get a SECRET WORLD!!!!!! (Debug Mode)

About: Hi! I'm Geoff! I'm an electrical engineer with a passion for making things. I believe that creating is for everyone, and I love being able to share what I've learned to enable others to pursue their passions. …

In this instructable, I will show you to get to a secret world mode in Minecraft!

Step 1: Titlescreen!

First, go to the titlescreen of Minecraft. Then, Click on singleplayer. Click create new world.

Step 2: Hold Shift!

Now, Click the "More World Options...". Hold down Shift and press " World Type:" till it says Debug Mode. Now hit create world. All you have to do now is wait.

Step 3: Your In!

Now you gotten in to the secret world! This is actually called Debug Mode.

This world displays all the possibilitys of all the blocks in Minecraft!

You can't place anything in this world, but its still cool!

Hope you guys like this instructable!

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