Introduction: How to Get Rid of Warts

Have you ever had a wart that just won't go away? Ironically, the dandelion, another thing many people try to get rid of, can actually remove warts. I know, it sounds a bit crazy doesn't it; however, my brother has actually removed a wart this way. So what are we waiting for? Let's remove some warts!

Step 1: Go Find a Dandelion


With that being said go pick yourself a few dandelions, making sure to break them off just above ground level.

Step 2: The Treatment

Now pluck off the flower at the bottom, and squeeze the juices out of the stem and onto your wart. Then rub it in. Do this two to three times a day, and keep doing it until your wart goes away.

Step 3: Your Done!

That's it! It really is that simple to get rid of a wart! To think, those pesky dandelions really do have a purpose. Actually they have a lot of attributes aside from wart removal. One of those being that their "greens" are edible! So next time you see those pesky dandelions, don't spray them with chemicals. Just go out there and put them to good use!
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