Introduction: How to Get Sap or Resin Off of a Car

About: I like youtube, instructables, newgrounds, narutocentral, and other stuff
Few things are more irritating than getting pitch on your vehicles new paint job. Soap and water won't work by themselves here. You'll need something much more powerful if you want to spend less than 3 hours then ending up with an incomplete job.

Step 1: What You Will Need


1 wet and 1 dry old rags or paper towels

water (preferably under pressure)

Step 2: Spray WD-40 on Sap

Spray just enough on to cover the sap. In the rare instance you didn't use the correct type of paint on your car I recommend you skip to step 4, though I doubt it will work as well, if at all. WD-40 is full of harsh chemicals. Though you will virtually never hurt your paint job if you don't leave a ton on overnight.

Step 3: Rub the Sap Off

Get a rag or paper towel a little wet then rub vigorously agains the surface of the car until it all comes loose or dissolves. When your satisfied take the dry one and clean up. Should be good as new.