How to Hide Your Files Inside a Picture


Intro: How to Hide Your Files Inside a Picture

Easiest way to hide any kind of file inside any picture.

100% guarantee: no damage to your system if you preform it properly and according to the given instructions.

STEP 1: Set Up:

1. Must have a .zip or .rar compressor.

2. Willingness to learn.

STEP 2: Make a New Folder No Your Desktop

STEP 3: Move the File (you Want to Hide) to Desktop.

STEP 4: Cut and Paste OR Drag and Drop the File (you Want to Hide) Into the New Folder

STEP 5: Archive (compress) the File From RAR OR ZIP As Shown in the Picture

STEP 6: Place the Picture on Your Desktop (in Which Want to Hide Your File)

STEP 7: Open Cmd (command Prompt)

You can open cmd (command prompt) by:

1. pressing windows start key and R.

2. then type cmd and then click OK.

Or just search it in the search bar !


Type following in cmd:
cd desktop


Now type in cmd:
copy /b picturename.jpg + foldername.rar outputfilename.jpg

1. If you used zip to archive the file, then type .zip in the end of your foldername OR if you used RAR then type .rar in the end of you foldername

2. Depending upon which type of picture you use you will have to type its extension name.

(for example : 'jpg' for Jpeg pictures, 'png' for Portable Network Graphics etc.)

3.If you use jpg picture than you will have to type jpg in the end of output file name and same for the others

(e.g png for Portable Network Graphics picture)

STEP 10: Now You Have Got the Picture in Which You Have Hidden Your File

preview it if you wish!

STEP 11: How to Recover Your Hidden File

1. Open cmd (command prompt) type:
cd desktop

2. Then type:
ren picturefilename.jpg outputfilename.rar

a. Depending upon which type of picture you used you will have to type its extension name in the end of picture file name

(for example : 'jpg' for Jpeg pictures, 'png' for Portable Network Graphics etc.)

b. If you used zip to archive (compress) the file, then type .zip in the end of your outputfoldername OR if you used RAR then type .rar in the end of you outputfoldername

Now you will see your picture file converted into a RAR or Zip file.

Just Exact that file on your desktop and you will find your secret file

Please view the video, if you are having any problems.


awsome thx m8

Hi. I've just started using the site. How do we vote? Do we click the "Favorite" button, or maybe the "I Made it!" button?

Well, voting is only if the instructable is in a Contest. Only new instructables can be entered in contests, but if it is entered in a contest a orange ribbon looking thing that says "Vote" should appear in the top bar where you can favorite the instructable. Click on that, and it'll show you all the contests you can vote the instructable in. Hope this helps!

You're welcome! Welcome to Instructables!

That looks pretty cool. Now all I need are instructions to do that on a Mac!

It's super easy on a Mac and you don't have to do any ZIP or terminal business.
Create a folder. Name it sunset.jpg (or whatever you want). When it asks if you want to add the extension .jpg click add. Get the info of any image file (command i) and copy the icon image in the upper left corner. Now get the info of the folder you created and named sunset.jpg and paste the icon image. DONE!

Terminal is the command line of mac, you can do these steps on terminal.

Now I really need a file to hide, because this is to cool not to use :)

Voted! This is a security concern that gmail seems to thwart. I zipped the jpg once more and gmail will not allow it to be attached. I sent it to my coworkers and they couldn't open the new zip. The reason is that they are using the native Windows Explorer to open the file. They need a program like 7zip to open it. Great find!

Very nice tutorial! A friend of mine wrote a python program that can do this. It is fairly simple to write once you understand the .net framework.

Have a great day and good luck in the hiding places contest!
That's a lot of step . I would made like thirty folders and give them the same names. But your way is cool never seen it done like that

coooool I tested you r really coool

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