

Inbox View Profile
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I'm a social-worker, working with 12 - 23 year-olds. I used to be a printer. In 2018 I opened a small makerspace ( in my house, where I have lasercutters, 3d-printers, Arduino's, Mindstorms and other stuff to play with. My makerspace is open for everyone. I used to have a toy-store in technical toys, because I think that it is important that kids get in contact with technical stuff. In Holland most of the teachers are women and a lot of them think that technical stuff is scary, dif…


500+ Comments Earned a silver medal
1M+ Views Earned a silver medal
Build-A-Tool Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Build-A-Tool Contest
Big and Small Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Big and Small Contest
Laser Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Laser Challenge
Audio Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Audio Challenge
Box Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Box Challenge
Toys & Games Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Toys & Games Contest
Backpack Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Backpack Challenge
Photography Contest 2017
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Photography Contest 2017
Footwear Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Footwear Challenge
Heroes and Villains Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Heroes and Villains Contest
Automation Contest 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Automation Contest 2016
Animal Innovations Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Animal Innovations Contest
How to Play ____
Contest Winner Runner Up in the How to Play ____
Glue Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Glue Contest

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