Introduction: How to Iceboard/ Ice Surf
In this Instructable I will show you how to ice board(a cross between skateboarding and snow boarding) using only a skateboard.
ice boarding is all most guaranteed to get you covered in snow, so wear appropriate stuff.
ice boarding is all most guaranteed to get you covered in snow, so wear appropriate stuff.
Step 1: Get a Board!
To iceboard you will first need a board, so get a skateboard,one thats not broken. Take the wheels and trucks(metal bits) off from the bottom. And there's your board. Thats mine in the pic, (I cant make image notes)
Step 2: Find Some Snow......and Go!
Take your board and go to a hill with snow/ice (ice is best)on the side. Make a mound of hard snow at the bottom like a ramp (optional). Climb to the top, sit or stand on your board (standing is more painfull if you fall) and launch yourself down the slope.
There are some pics at the bottom.
There are some pics at the bottom.