Introduction: How to Install Linux on Your Windows Using VirtualBox


My name is Marwan Aljadani from class B203, I`ll be show you how to install Linux on your Windows.

You just need Two things:

- VirtualBox
This software can running Windows, Linux, Mac operating systems.
you can download it from HERE

- Linux OS ( For example Linux Mint 15 )
This is the Linux system. 
you can download it from HERE

Step 1: Choose System Type

- After install VirtualBox, click New.
- Write your system Name for example Linux Mint 15.
Select Type: Linux.
Select Version: Ubuntu.

Step 2: Select the Amount of RAM

- Here select the amount of RAM

For example:

1024 MB = 1 GB
2048 MB = 2 GB

Step 3: Hard Disk Setting

- Choose Create a virtual hard drive now, to make a virtual disk space.
- Then select the VDI to make a backup.
- Choose Dynamically allocated.
- Now select the amount of hard drive size.

Step 4: Choose Liunx ISO File

- Now we done from hardware setting.

- Click Start to launch system.
- Choose your system iso file from your computer.
for example my system iso file is (linuxmint-15-cinnamon-dvd-32bit.iso)

Step 5: Install Linux and Make Account

- Click on the Install Linux Mint.
- And select Erase disk and install Linux Mint.
- Then press Install Now.

- Now make your account
- Then press Continue.

Step 6: Congratulations

- Congratulations now you have Linux on your Windows.