Introduction: How to Get Nearly Free Games!

How many people want games but don't want to pay a lot of money all the time. You may be know ebgames or gamestop allow you to trade in your old games but the way they do it is unfair. They buy your game for a few dollars and sell it for 10x more. Well if you want cheap games look no further than goozex!

Step 1: Sign Up for Goozex

Before you start sending and recieving games, you must sign up for goozex. That can be done by clicking this link:

Step 2: Familiarizing Yourself With the Site

When requesting or offering a game, you may notice that there is a disk symbol, a disk with a manual symbol and a box with disk symbol. The disk means that you receive/send the game with at least the disk. With the disk and manual you send/receive the game with at least the disk and the manual. With the box and disk you receive/send the game with everything that comes with the game, ie the guitar with guitar hero.

Step 3: Sending the Game.

After offering a game, it will tell you what place that you are in, this just means really means how long you have to wait. Once goozex finds a person for you to send it to you will get a message and 26 hours to accept the buyer. After you accept you get up to 3 days to send the game. Package the game sufficiently. You can also print out a label with the buyer's shipping address, you can tape that on. Make sure to put a return address on and sufficient postage. After you mailed the game, go back on goozex and confirm that you shipped the game. You will get your points once you receive feedback from the buyer.

Step 4: Buying Games!

This is what you have been waiting for, request a game and goozex will find someone to send the game to you. Every time you trade you have to use a trade credit, you can get more buy referring people or by buying them, 1 trade credit is on US$1. Once you get the game make sure to give feedback to the seller.

Step 5: Play, Enjoy and Repeat!

As you get more feedback, you "level" and can then trade and recieve more games at a time.