Introduction: How to Make Popcorn Ice Cream
I don't like popcorn, but I have a serious addiction to this!
Step 1: Make Your Popcorn and Infuse It
I don't like popcorn. Can't stand the stuff, but in this form it's pretty darn good!).
- 1 cup milk
- 2 cups cream
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 4 egg yolks
- freshly popped corn (unsalted)
Make a big pot of popcorn, and infuse it for an hour or so in a mixture of the milk, cream, and sugar. Once infused, strain as you can - you do not want to waste even a drop!
Step 2: Create Custard, and Churn
Add the egg yolks and whisk.
Put this mix into a saucepan and warm up slowly while mixing until your custard is thick enough to do the spoon test (dip a wooden spoon into the custard and if you can run your finger along the back with it not running it’s ready).
If you over heat it, the eggs with cook and you’ll have scrambled eggs. Don’t do that.
(Side note: it's quite normal to make the custard and then infuse your flavouring into it but I didn't want the warm eggy mixture to stand for an hour, so I infused the milk/cream/sugar mix and made a custard from that.)
Ideally, you want to cool down your infused custard and 'age' it in the fridge and for at least 8 hours - this is so that some of the fat from your cream/milk solution that separated during heating will have time to go back into solution and give you a much creamier ice cream.
Once aged, churn your custard until it's quite thick. You can always pop it in the freezer to firm up more.
This goes really well with salted caramel, and you can read more about it at