Introduction: How to Make a Cardboard Mini-Castle!
In this Instructable, I will teach you how to easily make a miniature castle made (With fully functional Drawbridge!) completely out of Cardboard and tape!
The Materials you will need:
- Cardboard
- Tape (Any kind)
- scissors
- Something to poke holes with.
- Pencil or Pen
- Ruler
- Paint (Optional)
- String
The Materials you will need:
- Cardboard
- Tape (Any kind)
- scissors
- Something to poke holes with.
- Pencil or Pen
- Ruler
- Paint (Optional)
- String
Step 1: Making the Bigger Walls of the Castle Base.
For the bigger walls of the Castle base (The middle part) you will need to measure and mark down 20cm x 12cm on a piece of cardboard and cut it out with the scissors. After cutting out the piece of Cardboard use it as a template to cut out another piece of cardboard the same size.... Now, to form the drawbridge, poke two holes 5cm apart near the middle of one wall. From the hole, cut 8cm upwards and cut the 5cm left and back down 8cm (DO NOT CUT RECTANGLE SHAPE OUT). You should now have a flap sticking. To make this Drawbridge work you will need to tape your string to the back of the drawbridge and poke small holes in the castle base, to fit the strings through. Now, tie a knot in the string and you should now be able raise and lower your drawbridge by pulling the string.
Step 2: Making the Smaller Walls of the Castle Base.
Now, to make the Smaller walls you will need to cut out a piece of cardboard 7cm x 12 cm. And like before you will need to use the original as a template to cut out a second piece of cardboard.
Step 3: Using the Pieces of Cardboard to Form the Base.
Now, with your two 20cm x 12cm and two 7cm x 12cm Cardboard pieces. You will need to tape them together to form a rectangular prism.
Step 4: Making the First Watch-Tower.
Now to form one of the Watch-Towers. You will need to cut out two pieces of Cardboard 5cm x 16cm and two pieces of Cardboard 2cm x 16cm. After cutting the pieces out, form them into a rectangular prism shape.
Step 5: Making the Second Watch-Tower.
To make the Second Watch-Tower, it is exactly the same as the previous step....You will need to cut out two pieces of Cardboard 5cm x 16cm and two pieces of Cardboard 2cm x 16cm. After cutting the pieces out, form them into a rectangular prism shape. After forming the two watch towers, tape them on either sides of the castle. You Are now complete the Forming the Castle structure!
Step 6: Adding the Finishing Touches.
To make the Castle more Realistic you will need to cut little V-shaped slits in the Cardboard to form spikes. You may also want to paint it because the Brownish Cardboard color is Lame.... CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have successfully finished creating a cardboard mini-castle, now you can place your lego guys or your Warhammer figurines in there or whatever you plan to do with it!