Introduction: How to Make a Golden Snitch From Harry Potter

About: I enjoy making random things off instructables and making my own things. I play the violin and have played for 9 years. I occasionally bake and cook, but I'm usually reading or listening to music.
Have you always wanted to have your own golden snitch? Well now you can!

Step 1: Gather Supplies

To Make the Golden snitch you will need:
Gold Sequins (LOTS)
A Styrofoam ball (it doesn't matter what size)
Pins (LOTS)
Tacky Glue
Pheasant feathers 

Step 2: The Base

Put pins through the holes in the sequins. Then stick the pin with the sequin into the Styrofoam ball. Continue this until the whole ball is covered, but make sure you leave two little spots for the feathers to go into on the sides of the ball.

Step 3: The Wings

So now that your Styrofoam ball is covered in sequins, You have to move on to the next step which is the wings of the snitch. To make the wings glue to pins to the Pheasant feathers, then let it dry. When they are dry, find the two non-sequinned holes and stick the pins with the feathers into it.

Step 4: Ta-Da!

Now you are done with the Golden Snitch. The Golden Snitch is for decoration purposes only. It is not to be played with because it can easily be broken.