Introduction: How to Make a Marshmallow Shooter

This instructable is going to show you, step-by-step, how to build a Marshmallow Shooter.  The purpose of these instructions is to show you how to build a device that will allow you to launch objects without the risk of hurting others.

Step 1: Step 1- Supplies Needed

Step 1-
Supplies Tip:  This project uses 1/2 inch PVC Pipe.  You can have your local hardware store cut PVC pipe to the required lengths. 

Supplies Needed:

Mini Marshmallows
One 9 inch PVC pipe
One 7 inch PVC pipe
Two 4 inch PVC pipes
One 2 inch PVC pipe
One 3 inch PVC pipe
Two PVC elbows that are 90 degrees
Two PVC "T"s
Two PVC pipe end-caps (1/2 inch)

Supplies are shown in picture.

Step 2: Step 2

Step 2-
You will need to connect each 4 inch PVC pipe (1) to a PVC "T"  (2), as shown in the picture. 

Step 3: Step 3

Connect the two "T"'s built in Step 2 to the nine inch PVC pipe (4), as shown in the picture.

Step 4: Step 4

Step 4-
Connect the 7 inch PVC pipe (5) to the T(2), as shown in the picture.

Step 5: Step 5

Step 5-
Connect the 3 inch PVC pipe (6) to the other T (2), as shown in the picture.

Step 6: Step 6

Step 6-
Connect both 90 degree elbows (7) to the 2 inch PVC pipe (8), as shown in the picture.

Step 7: Step 7

Step 7-
Connect the elbow assembly (built in step 6) to the end of the shooter, as shown in the picture.

Step 8: Step 8

Step 8-
Connect the two PVC 1/2 inch end-caps (3) to the ends of each 4 inch PVC pipe (1), as shown in the picture.

Step 9: Step 9

Step 9-
Insert mini-marshmallow, as shown in the picture.

Step 10: Step 10

Step 10-
Blow hard in the open end of the elbow device, as shown in the picture.

Step 11: Conclusion

Now that you have built a Marshmallow Shooter, it is time to have fun!  Try to be creative with different games and designs for shooters.