Introduction: How to Make a Neo Cube 4x4 Cube
Make people jealous because you made a cube.
Step 1: Materials
what you will need:
1 A neo cube
2 patience
1 A neo cube
2 patience
Step 2: Step 1
Fold your Neo Cube in half so one end touches the other.
Step 3: Step 2
count out 8 going across and rip. so you should have 16 all together.
Step 4: Step 3
Count out 4 balls going across...8 all together and fold.
Step 5: Step 4
Step 6: Step 5
This is what you should have now.
Step 7: Step 6
Make 3 more.
Step 8: Step 7
Take 2 and connect them.
Step 9: Step 8
You should have half of a square. Make 1 more.
Step 10: Step 9
Connect the 2 half squares together.
Step 11: Step 10