Introduction: How to Make an Old Box Into a Speaker Set!
You have finished all you're cereal bars, and there's nothing to do. Well, instead of moping around all day, you can turn the old cereal bar box into a - Nutritious - Sound System! (Cue Ahhh's and Ohhhh's). By following these simple steps, you will have the funniest and loudest Speaker System ever!
Step 1: Supplies
To start this simple yet strange project, you will need a few essential things before even going on, so if you don't have you're cereal bar box, stop now.
Step 2: Poking Da' Hole
For this step you'll need to take you're scissors and cut a hole - as big as you're index finger - in the bottom right or bottom left corner of the box.
Step 3: Figuring Out the Height
To figure out the height of the speakers so they can fit after cutting, take a pen and mark a little below the real height.
Step 4: Cuttin' It Away
The simpleist step in this Instructable is to cut away at you're main line.
Step 5: Pushing and Fitting
The 5th step of this guide is to simply slip the cord through the hole and fit-in the speakers.
Step 6: The Extra Step
So you have done all the steps in the Instructable, but the speakers are loose and are sliding. Well, simply take a LOOOOOONG Rubber Band and twist it around twice.
Step 7: Conclusion
Now you can listen to some delisious tunes!