Introduction: How to Make a Paper 3d Rocking Chair 5" High

How to make a Paper 3D Rocking Chair 5" high
1. Print out the 1 page pattern on 1 piece of cardstock paper 8-1/2" x 11"
2. Score all green lines.
3.Cut out around the outside of the rocker and all red lines.
4. Fold all lines you scored in step 2.
5. Glue on places where it says glue, like the bottom 2 rungs of the rocker parts. to the main body of the rocker.
6. Done
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Step 1: Put Cardstock Paper in Your Printer and Print Out the 1 Page Design

1. Print out the 1 page pattern on 1 piece of cardstock paper 8-1/2" x 11"
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Step 2:

2. Score all green lines.
Use a pen with no ink, or the sharp end of a ruler to score lines.
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Step 3: Cut Out Around the Outside of the Rocker

3.Cut out around the outside of the rocker and all red lines.
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Step 4: Fold on All Green Lines

4. Fold all lines (green liner) you scored in step 2.
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Step 5: Glue Parts Together

5. Glue on places where it says glue, like the bottom 2 rungs of the rocker parts. to the main body of the rocker.
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Step 6: Add a Toy

6. Done
An old cliche: It is bad luck to rock a rocking chair with no one in it.

You can add a miniature toy, and depending on the weight of the toy, you may need to add an additional support to the bottom rungs of the rocker.

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