Introduction: How to Make a Pen/Pencil
An epic combo of a pen and pencil.
Step 1: Materials
You need a spring pen, pencil, gripper, and(optional) pen spring and rubberband.
Step 2: Making the Pen Part
First you need to take apart the pen. Keep the spring and inner pen.
Put the rubber band into the spring as shown.
Slide the spring and rubber band onto the inner pen.
Put the rubber band into the spring as shown.
Slide the spring and rubber band onto the inner pen.
Step 3: Putting It Together
First, wrap the other end of the rubber band onto the end of the pencil.
Next, place a gripper on the pencil and put the pen half through it so that the end of the pencil is out a half centimeter. pen too.
Next, place a gripper on the pencil and put the pen half through it so that the end of the pencil is out a half centimeter. pen too.