Introduction: How to Make a Fishing Jig

This instructable is about: How to make a fishing jig. Jigs are a type of fishing lure which can be described as a large single hook having a painted lead head near the eye along with strands of silicone attached to the head to form a skirt. The reason I choose to do this Instructable is because I enjoy watching my husband make them and I wanted to include him in this assignment. Even if you are not a fisherman if you watched and listened to my husband talk about making these jigs (or fishing.)  you would be hooked. He talks with so much passion and knowledge that you get caught up in what he is doing and saying. The instructions to making these jigs look easy but it does take a lot of practice and skill. 

Disclaimer: Warning the lead is very hot (621F) and the breathing lead fumes can be hazardous to your health. You should always be in a well-ventilated area and also wear safety goggles and gloves.  Please take all necessary steps to ensure that you are properly protected. Make sure to wear eye protection and keep all liquids away from molten metal. Adult supervision is essential if children or youth are involved. Safety is always important and it should be noted that this instructable is not intended as a safety guide but rather an overview of the process. Adult supervision is essential if children or youth are involved. 

Here is all the necessary equipment for pouring jigs 
1. Lead- I get my lead from Bass Pro Shops. 
2. Melting Pot- I have had my melting pot for a long time. Got it at Maumee Bait and Tackle. I simply plug it in and it heats up the lead.  Caution: Lead has a number of impurities in it and will show on the top of the melted lead. You can skim it off with a spoon. The lead is also toxic and you want to make sure you are working in a well ventilated area. The lead is very hot and will burn your skin instantly if you get it on you. 
3. Jig Molds- I got my jig molds from Do-it corporation and have several different ones. 
4. Jig Hooks- The molds that I have will specify what hook to use in each slot. 
5. Paint- I prefer to use powder paint for its durability and ease of use.  
6. Heat Gun- You want a heat gun with temperature control so you don't remelt the lead.  
7. Long Pliers- I use these to pull the hot jig out of the mold and to remove the excess lead from the jig. 

Step 1:

Step 1: Plug in the Melting Pot to melt the lead. Caution: The lead is toxic and melting lead can expose you and others to dangerous fumes. These fumes are known to cause cancer and birth defects. Always make sure you are in a highly ventilated area. The fumes from the lead are where all the damage is. Make sure you are using a flat surface that will not be damaged if lead gets on it or a surface that can easily be wiped off.  Once lead is melted you can skim off any impurities with a spoon. 

Step 2:

Step 2: Place desired hook in mold.  I have several different molds so it just depends on what kind of jig you are making. 

Step 3:

Step 3: Place mold under the melting pot and lift handle to dispense the lead to fill the mold. You don't want it to full but you are going to have some lead on the top of the mold after filling.

Step 4:

Step 4: Open mold and remove jig. Make sure that you use pliers to remove the jig head. It will be extremely hot. Let cool. 

Step 5: How to Make a Fishing Jig

Step 5: Once cool you can remove excess lead with pliers. 

Step 6:

Step 6: Heat Jig with heat gun. Make sure you don't remelt the jig head, you just want to heat it up so the powder paint sticks to the jig head. 

Step 7:

Step 7: Dip in powder paint and shake off excess. The jigs usually dry pretty fast and the powder paint is not messy. 

Step 8:

Step 8: Put on weed guard and select the desired skirt. Your almost finished with the best fishing jig ever!

Step 9:

Step 9: Final Product. Put on skirt and there you have an Awesome Fishing Jig!  FISH ON!!!!!